Monday, November 27, 2006

McHenry County, Illinois

McHenry County is one of 102 counties in Illinois, located in Northeast Illinois, near the Wisconsin border, about 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois. It is the most rural of the six counties in the Chicago area, but also one of the fastest growing counties in the country and the population is expected to reach 500000 by the year 2015. McHenry County is still growing, but its crime rate isn't. It currently has a total population of 260,077 according to the US Census, and if you are looking for a small town atmosphere just a short commute from the city, then McHenry County is the perfect place to call home.

Sound like the place you want to be? Professional real estate agents in the area will be more than happy to assist you with any information you may need in addition to providing you with the help you require in finding the home or property of your choice. Hop on the web and find a variety of resources you can use to obtain various information regarding the location that best suits you. Do the research and find out why McHenry County is the place so many people love to call home.

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